Friday, October 26, 2012

Letter Mobile: Idea #26

I have a baby daughter, so I am always looking for toys she likes. One thing that she loves is her toy mobile that hangs from her pack 'n play. It keeps her entertained for extended periods of time. I made the connection the other day that it would be really easy to make a letter sound mobile. Maybe a 5 or 6 year old wouldn't be as mesmerized with a mobile as a baby, but they would probably enjoy making one. Here's what you do:

1. Get a sturdy hanger.

2. Decide on a letter sound your student needs to practice and write it on a piece of paper (about as big an a large index card). Then tape it to the middle part of the hanger.

3. Find pictures in the newspaper or in magazines that begin with that letter sound. Cut them out. Hole punch each picture at the top.

4. Get some thin string (I used floss) and tie each picture from the hole to the hanger.

5. Hang the letter mobile somewhere where your student can see it and be reminded of the letter sound frequently. 

FYI: I have found that regular paper tears easily while putting it on the string. You may want to try using paper or pictures that are a bit thicker, like cardstock. 

This is an easy activity for kids. Have fun making your mobiles!

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