Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Candy Land: Idea #3

What was your favorite game as a kid? I bet you're all saying Candy Land. I think it's every child's favorite. A great way to get kids excited to learn their letter sounds is to make it into a game. In order to incorporate the letter sounds, write one letter on each card included in the board game (color is irrelevant). When the child picks up the card for his/her turn, the child must say what sound the letter makes. If the child says the correct sound, he/she can move the game piece to the color the game card indicates.

If a child has a difficult time with a certain letter sound, write that letter on multiple cards. Also, if you write the letters in pencil, you can erase them later! 

This is a great way to see what your child remembers and what letters you may need to review.


  1. You should pitch your idea to the game company so they can start making it that way! Good idea!

  2. Love this idea! I'm going to do it with Charlotte this afternoon. We are always looking for fun ways to get her learning her letters so I'm really excited that you're doing this blog :)
