Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Fly Swatter Game: Idea #184

To incorporate the warmer climate outside in your teaching, why not play the fly swatter game? Kids LOVE it and it's a great way to practice sight words. Here is what you do:

1. Write a list of the words you would like your student to practice. 

2. Count the number of words on your list (it doesn't have to be a lot).

3. Draw the same number of flies on cardstock paper. I actually printed my flies off the internet using this cute pattern. Can flies be cute?

4. Write a different sight word on each fly and cut it out. 
 5. Laminate the flies.

6. Draw or print a fly swatter. I found mine here. You could also use a real fly swatter, if you have one.

7. Laminate the fly swatter.

8. Put the flies on the floor or tape them on the wall.
 9. Give your student a fly swatter and say one of the sight words.

10. When your student hears you say a sight word, they must swat the fly with that sight word on it as quickly as possible. Then say another sight word and so on. If you have two students you can make it into a competitive game to see who is able to swat the word first.
Have fun with this intense game!

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