Monday, February 11, 2013

Sight Word Songs: Idea #134

If your student enjoys music, use songs to help your student memorize sight words. Here is a list of some fun sight word songs:

1. Rock 'N Learn- You can check out the sample clip to find out what these songs are like. They are modern sounding and the sight words show up on the screen.

2. Fun catchy songs that teach your student how to spell different sight words.

3. A Monkey- Fun sight word song and video that has the sight words typed at the top so student can read along.

4. Have Fun Teaching- Fun songs to teach your student what sight words sound like and how they are spelled.

5. Silly Songs for Sight Words- These songs are put to tunes that we are familiar with and have all of the lyrics written out.

6. YouTube- Fun ways to sing the spelling of sight words.
I hope I have given you some ideas. If not, type in 'Sight word songs' on YouTube and see what you get. Have fun!

WARNING- These songs get stuck in your head!!

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