Friday, February 22, 2013

Scrabble Slam!: Idea #145

Have you ever played the game Scrabble Slam? You should try playing it with your student. It is a game where you have to spell and read four letter words. It is a great way for students to practice reading quickly and discover different words that have similar letters and sounds. Here is how you play:

1. Lay out four cards that make a word (for example: FATE or GAME).

2. Deal out the cards that remain to the amount of players involved in the game.

3. Once all of the cards have been dealt, one player says, "Ready, set, slam!" Then all of the players go at the same time trying to change the word by covering one of the letters that is already laid out. For example if you had a M card, you might change the word FATE to the word FAME.

4. The player is to yell out the new word when they have changed it.

5. You can only add ONE card at a time to change a word.

6. The player who plays all of their cards first wins the game. If no one is able to use all of their cards, the player with the least amount of cards at the end wins.

This card game is inexpensive and fun for everyone!

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