Monday, February 18, 2013

Don't Eat Pete!: Idea #141

Have you ever played the game Don't Eat Pete? It's pretty fun. Kids love it because they get to eat candy while playing. If you haven't played it before, click on this

Here is how you can play it using sight words:

1. Preparation Before Playing: Teacher or student makes a Don't Eat Pete board. Make sure that the paper has nine boxes. The Don't Eat Pete box should go in the middle. Fill in the rest of the boxes with sight words that your student needs to practice.

2. Cover each word with a small candy (like an m&m, skittle, chocolate chip, etc). Since I was fresh out of candy I used frosted flakes. 

3. How to Play: Send one person out of the room. The remaining players decide which sight word box is 'Pete'. For example, "The go box is Pete".

4. The person comes back into the room and begins to eat candies off of the board. The student must read the sight word in the box as they pick the candy up.

5. When the person tries to eat 'Pete', the players yell "Don't eat Pete!" 

6. The person then stops eating and the board is filled again for the next round.

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