Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Old Maid: Idea #156

Remember playing the card game Old Maid as a kid? Fun times, right? Why not put a little twist on the old card game to help your student practice sight words? Here is what you do:

1. Buy the game Old Maid (or make your own cards). I bought mine at Wal-Mart for 50 cents.

2. Cover the words on each card with whiteout or tape or stickers.

3. Write a sight word on each card (make sure there are two of each sight word).

4. Now you are ready to play. Deal out all of the cards to the players.

5. When looking at your hand, put all of your matches in separate piles in front of you. In order to keep the matches you found, you must be able to read the word on the card. If you can't read the words, you have to keep the cards in your hands.

6. Everyone then takes turns picking a card from the hand of the player to their left. Each time a match is made, the player puts the pair in front of them and then reads the words.

7. The game continues until only one player is holding a card--- the Old Maid card! The person with the Old Maid at the end of the game looses.
Have fun teaching your student one of your favorite childhood games!

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