Thursday, March 14, 2013

Lucky!: Idea #165

When practicing sight words with your student, try playing this fun game called Lucky. With St. Patrick's Day coming up, it is the perfect game to play. Here is what you do:

1. Get out your sight word flash cards. The more cards you have, the more fun the game is.

2. Make about five Lucky cards. I put a four leaf clover on my Lucky cards.

3. Mix the Lucky cards in the stack of sight word flash cards. 

4. You can play this game on the floor, at the table, in a circle, or in a line standing. All that you do is you show one of the cards to your student, if it is read correctly, the student keeps the card. If the student is unable to read it, it is placed at the bottom of the stack of cards. Then go to the next student and show the next card in the stack and so on. When a student gets a Lucky card, the student gets to keep their cards, but all of the other players must give their cards back to the teacher.

5. The person with the most cards at the end of the game wins. Have fun playing this lucky game!

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