Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Raffle Ticket Game: Idea #93

It is so important that your student masters sight words. Reading will become so much easier and quicker once they know them. A great way to practice sight words is to make it a game. Here is what you do:

1. Teacher/Parent Preparation: Get some raffle tickets (or paper that is about that size) and count out 20 of them.

2. On each raffle ticket or piece of paper, write a sight word. Put them all in a bowl or cup. Then put them aside for now.

3. Get twenty 8x10 pieces of paper. Write those same sight words on each piece of paper (in large font).

4. Post/tape the twenty pieces of 8x10 paper around the room in places your student can easily see.

5. How to play: Student chooses a raffle ticket out of the bowl. The student reads the sight word and then has to find the 8x10 piece of paper that matches it in the room. If your student does not know a sight word, put the raffle ticket back in the bowl and have them pick a different one

Your student will love finding the sight words in your classroom!

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