Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Fish for Sight Words: Idea #115

I hope your student has enjoyed the sight word games on this blog. These games help students get faster and better at identifying sight words. It also makes learning the words fun. 

Do you remember the magnetic goldfish game in elementary school? Well, kids still love to play it. Try playing it with your student for extra sight word practice. Here is what you do:

1. Find a fish cutout template online (or use construction paper and cut the fish out freehand). I found this one on the following website:

2. Choose the words you would like your student to practice and write them on the fish. Then decorate the fish and cut them out.

3. Put a paper clip on each of the fish.

4. Make the fishing pole with the following items: a pencil, string (I used a shoelace), and a magnet. All you do is tie the string to the pencil and then glue or tape the magnet at the end of the string. 

5. To play the game your student takes the fishing pole and fishes for a word. Once they get a word, they must read what the word says. If they can read it, they can keep the fish. If they don't know the word, they have to throw it back in the water. The game ends when they have finished reading all of the words. 

You can play this game with more than one student. Students just take turns fishing. Whoever has the most fish at the end is the winner!

Have fun practicing sight words with your student.

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