Try reading with your student every moment that you can. Below is a fun idea to do while grocery shopping. Just keep in mind that you will spend a lot more time in the store, but it will be a great opportunity for your student to practice reading. Here's the idea:
While at the grocery store, give your student your grocery list. Then give your student a letter of the alphabet. Your student then must tell you the items on the list that begin with that particular letter. For example, if you said C, your student might read: Cheerios, cupcake mix, cheese, crackers, cantaloupe, carrots, etc. Let them help you get the items (obviously your student will need assistance finding the items). Then go on to a different letter until your list is finished and you have everything on your list. As a reward let them pick out a treat that begins with the letter of their choice!
I found this idea here. Grocery shopping was never so much fun!!
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