Have you ever played the game Crazy Eights? If not, you should, but put a word family twist to it. Here is what you do:
1. Make a set of cards that can be divided into four different word families. For example: -an (fan, can, ran), -et (bet, let, set), -it (hit, fit, lit), and -og (hog, log, fog).
2. Pick an equal number of words from each word family and write them with one word on each card. Mix up the colors in a word family because you don't want any one word family to be all of the same color. So, use four different colors to write on the cards.
3. Make a few Wild cards, Skip cards, and Reverse cards.
4. Give each player seven cards. The remaining cards should be face-down in a neat pile.
5. Flip one card over from the stack.
6. Try to match either the color or word family that appears. For example, if you saw the word can being played and it was green, you would put down a card that was either green or was part of the -an family. If you didn't have a card to play, you would draw a card from the stack until you got a card that you could play.
7. When one of the players only has one card left, they must say "Hop!" If the player neglects to do so, the player will not be able to go out that round.
8. The first player to run out of cards is the winner.
You can download this game here. Have fun!
I like it. I wonder if Alice would be ready for it yet. Maybe if she watched Grace play it a bunch of times...