Monday, November 5, 2012

Alphabet Cubes: Idea #36

As a teacher I noticed that my students loved writing on the white board. They especially loved drawing pictures on the whiteboard. For some reason it was more exciting than drawing on paper. Try playing the following game with your student so they have the opportunity to draw on a white board:

1. Give your student a small white board and dry erase marker (make sure the marker works!)
2. Get a few alphabet cubes that have a variety of different letters.

3. The teacher rolls one alphabet cube. Whatever letter the teacher rolls, the student must draw a picture of something that begins with that letter sound. For example, if teacher rolls the letter J, the student might draw a picture of a jeep. 

4. Every time the student draws a picture that begins with the letter sound correctly, the student gets a point.

If there is more than one student playing, you may want to make it into a race. The student who draws a picture that begins with the letter sound the fastest, gets a point.

If you do not have an alphabet cube, you may want to make one out of paper by using this website: or buy some using this website: If you don't have a white board, kids also love chalk boards.

5. If the student draws something that does not begin with the right sound, correct them and then roll the alphabet cube for a different sound. They also do not get a point.

6. The game ends when the student gets to the goal score the teacher has chosen.

You may want to take notes as you are playing the game with your student. This is a great way to discover the letter sounds that your student still does not know. Have fun!

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