Friday, November 16, 2012

ABC Fishing Booth: Idea #47

Carnivals are like a child's paradise. You've got games, candy, rides, and best of all you can win stuff. No wonder schools love to put on a good carnival. What do carnivals have to do with letter sounds you may ask? There are some great carnival games that you can make educational. Kids already love the games, so why not put an educational twist to it? Here is a fun way to make the fishing booth educational:

1. You will need: A short pole/stick, string/yard, a clothespin, a blue sheet, ABC flashcards, and prizes.

2. Attach your string to the pole to make a simple fishing pole. Then tie a clothespin at the end of the string.

3. Decorate your blue sheet to look like water.

4. To play the student is given an ABC flashcard (similar to the ones on this website). The student must look at the card, say the name of the picture and what letter sound it starts with. For example, a student might say, "This is an elephant. It begins with the e sound."

5. If your student says the incorrect response, have them give their ABC flashcard to the next person in line and move to the end of the line. If student says the right response, give your student the fishing pole. The student then puts the pole over the blue sheet.

6. The person behind the sheet finds a fun prize and clips it on the clothespin. When they finish, they give the string a few tugs and the student pulls the pole up to get their prize.

7. If you are super ambitious you could give them a prize that begins with the letter sound that was on their ABC flashcard. For example, if they had a card with a picture of spaghetti, you might give them smarties because it starts with the same sound. 

Your students will love practicing their letter sounds this way. It's so fun to go fishing for prizes!

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