Thursday, August 22, 2013

Rolling for Vowel Digraphs: Idea #326

Time to practice vowel digraphs! Try out this great game called Rolling for Vowel Digraphs. This is what you do:

1. PREPARATION: Go to the following website:

2. Print off the game.

3. Put your students in pairs. 

4. Give each companionship two recording sheets, a die, and a set of word cards.

5. TO PLAY: Player 1 rolls the die, then Player 2 has to read that amount of word cards to Player 1. If all of the word cards are read correctly, then Player 2 gets to write them on his record sheet.

6. Switch roles so Player 2 gets to roll the die and Player 1 reads.

7. The first person to fill up their recording sheet is the winner.

Have fun trying out this new game!

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