Tuesday, July 23, 2013

CVC Words on a Roll: Idea #294

Reading CVC words is a perfect way to get your student to start reading. The words are short with only one vowel sound and are typically words that are familiar to your student. A fun way to practice CVC words is to play the CVC Words on a Roll game that I found on this website. This is what you do:

1. PREPARATION: Go to the following website: http://homeschoolparent.blogspot.com/2011_11_01_archive.html

2. Scroll down until you find the CVC Words on a Roll game.

3. Print the game. 

4. TO PLAY: Student needs a counter/game piece and a die. Student rolls the die and moves that many spaces on the board. Student must read the CVC word he lands on. If he can't, he moves back that many spaces. For example, if my student rolled a six and landed on the word man, but he said men, then he would go back six spaces to where he originally was. 

5. When your student gets to the smiling face the game is over. If you are playing the game with more than one student, whoever gets to the smiling face first is the winner.

May the best reader win!

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