Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Cat to Cat Word Game: Idea #290

CVC words are perfect practice words for beginning readers. A CVC word is a word that contains a consonant, vowel, consonant. For example, cat or gum or his are all CVC words. CVC words are short and easy to sound out. Try the following activity to practice reading some CVC words with your student:

1. PREPARATION: Go to the following website:

2. Download the board game FOR FREE and then print off page 3 (which is the actual board game).

3. All you will need for this game are some counters and the printed game board.

4. TO PLAY: Give Player 1 red counters and Player 2 yellow counters.

5. Player 1 takes a turn covering 2 circles to make a word. For example, m and at make the word mat. The player must cover one circle on the purple cat and one circle on the blue cat using counters. Once a counter is placed on a circle, it cannot be taken off the board (until the game is completed).

6. The winner is the last player to cover 2 circles to make a word.

Have fun sounding out words!

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