Friday, May 31, 2013

Red Light, Green Light: Idea #243

Do you remember playing the game Red Light, Green Light as a kid? Well, kids still love playing that game. Try making it educational by putting a sight word twist to it. I found the idea here. This is how you play:

1. One person is the traffic cop while the rest of the players line up against the wall facing him.

2. The traffic cop decides when to say green light or red light or yellow light. When he says green light, the players can run towards him. When he yells red light, the players must stop. When he says yellow light each player must identify a sight word on a given flash card. If they can read it, they can take a giant leap, otherwise they just stay in their spot.

3. Any player who moves when the traffic cop says red must go back to the wall (or the starting point).  They can avoid going back to the start if they can read a sight word flash card.

4. The first player to get to the finish (or to where the traffic cop is standing) wins the game and becomes the new traffic cop. Before they can become the new traffic cop, they must be able to read 5 given sight words.

Have fun playing!

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