Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Alphabet Puzzles: Idea #72

Don't you just love puzzles? Kids love doing them too, as long as they aren't too difficult. A fun way to practice letter sounds with your student is to have them do an alphabet puzzle. Here are few different kinds of puzzles that are out there to use:

1. A simple puzzle that just has the letters. Have your student say the sound each letter makes as they put it in the correct spot. Check out this puzzle here: http://www.meijer.com/s/melissa-and-doug-upper-and-lowercase-alphabet-puzzle/_/R-193896;jsessionid=A08B3977F6CFCC158B3396321733530A.instance01?cagpspn=pla&cmpid=Google-G_US_Meijer_eCom_PLA_Toys&kpid=47

2. An alphabet puzzle that says the correct name of each letter when it is placed in the right spot on the puzzle. Check it out here: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/p/toys-games-alphabet-sound-puzzle/14956112

3. An alphabet puzzle that has pictures and words on the actual board. It is up to the student to match the correct letter sound with the picture and word.  Check it out here: http://kydzedu.com/products/1050-Puzzles

4. An alphabet puzzle where the student must put two pieces together: the letter with a picture that begins with that letter's sound. Check it out here: http://www.google.com/shopping/product/819805346134492009?q=abc%20puzzle&hl=en&sqi=2&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&bpcl=39650382&biw=1525&bih=695&sa=X&ei=SLDHUPe0D4TwrQHqrIHACw&ved=0CIUBEPMCMAU

5. For even more ABC puzzle ideas, check out this website: http://www.puzzlewarehouse.com/product/search.cfm?criteria=abc&page=1

I hope these puzzles are effective tools in helping your student master letter sounds!

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