Saturday, November 3, 2012

I Spy: Idea #34

Another game you could play in the car or when you have some down time is I Spy. It is easy and kids love playing it. Try playing I Spy using letter sounds. Here is how you do it:

1. The parent/teacher looks around the room and silently chooses an object that the student can see.

2. The parent/teacher says, "I spy with my little eye something that begins with the b sound."

3. The student begins to look around the room and then guesses things that begin with that letter sound.

4. If the student is having a really difficult time guessing the object, the parent/teacher can give a clue like, "I spy with my little eye something orange and round".

5. Once the student guesses what the parent/teacher was thinking, let the student have a turn choosing an object.

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