Friday, November 30, 2012

Around the World: Idea #61

If your students like competitive games, they will like the game 'Around the World'. They have to think and speak quick to win. It's an exciting way to practice letter sounds. The only thing you need for this game are alphabet flashcards. Here's how you play:

1. Put your class in a line.

2. Ask the first two students in line to come to the front of the classroom.

3. Show them a letter flashcard.

4. The student who says the letter sound on the flashcard the quickest stays at the front of the class with you. The other student goes to the end of the line. The student who is the quickest is also given the flashcard of the letter sound that they won. Every time they are the quickest, they get a flashcard.

5. Then you ask for the next student in line to come up to the front to compete against the student who won last time. The student that is the fastest at saying the letter sound, stays at the front with the teacher and gets the flashcard. The student who looses, goes to the end of the line.

6. Once all of the flashcards have been given, the student with the most cards is the winner.

I hope your competitive students enjoy this game! 

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