Saturday, June 15, 2013

Leaping Lilypads: Idea #258

Looking for an educational and active game? Try playing Leaping Lilypads. I found the game here. This is how you play:

1. PREPARATION: Choose about 10-12 sight words and write each one on an index card. Then get another  10-12 index cards and write those same words again. 

2. Tape/glue the first set of index cards to tagboard cut into lilypad shapes. Make sure the lilypads are large enough for students to jump on!

3. Arrange the lilypads with the index card side faceup on the floor. Tape them to the floor. Put the other set of index cards face down in a pile.

4. TO PLAY: Student picks a card from the pile of index cards and must read what it says. Then the student is to jump to the lilypad that says the same word.

5. Have the student continue to pick cards until they have picked every card in the pile and jumped on every lilypad. Be sure to help your student with the jumping if they need it and have fun!

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