For example, if your student was trying to read the word kite and they were having a hard time sounding it out, you might say, "This word rhymes with light." Then the student must think of all the words they know that rhyme with light: bite, fight, height, kite, might, night, quite, right, sight, tight, white, etc. Your student knows the word begins with the letter k, so it must be kite. This is a great way to get your student thinking instead of just being told, "It says kite." They have to put forth more effort and they are more likely to remember the word the next time.
Here is a list of some common words in children's books and their rhyming word:
1. where..... hair
2. are..... car
3. do..... shoe
4. for..... sure
5. go..... so
6. here..... tear
7. like..... bike
8. look..... book
9. my..... tie
10. said..... bed
11. play..... day
12. we..... key
13. to .....you
14. what..... cut
15. who..... zoo
Have fun reading!
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