Thursday, June 27, 2013

Racing Game: Idea #270

Is your student competitive? Do they like a challenge? Try playing the Sight Word Racing Game. It's a great way to keep them on their toes and become more familiar with sight words. I found this idea here. Here is what you do:

1. PREPARATION: Get/Print/Buy sight word cards. You will also need paper and a pencil.

2. TO PLAY: Get 12 sight word cards and lay them out face up.

3. Choose one of the sight words shown without telling the student.

4. Begin to write the sight word you chose on a piece of paper VEEERRRYYY slowly.

5. The student tries to figure out what the sight word is before you're done writing it.

6. If the student calls out the word before you finish writing it, they get a point. If the you finish writing the word before the student says what it is, then you get a point. 

7. The first player to get to ten points wins.

Have a great time!

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